Nov 23, 2021

Combining on-the-job work experience with technical study: Interview with Léo

Léo is one of our apprentice at Rotarex. He combines his technical studies with hands-on experience in our factory in Luxembourg. This program helps him foster his sense of initiative, teamwork, problem-solving, organizational and communication skills. We spent some time with him to collect his impressions about his apprenticeship at Rotarex.
Combining on-the-job work experience with technical study: Interview with Léo

Hi Léo, tell us more about yourself and your educational background.

My name is Léo. I’m 19 and I hold a ‘Baccalaureat STI2D’ from Alfred Mézières High School in Longwy. It’s a technical science of industry and sustainability development high school diploma, with as specialty in technology, innovation and eco conception. I am currently in the second year of my 'BTS CPRP' (two-year post high school diploma) in apprenticeship at Yutz UIMM school in France.

What are you studying more concretely?

I follow a 'BTS CPRP'. CPRP stands for process conception and product realization. I am learning the turning, milling and design techniques. The holder of this diploma is a specialist in production processes by removing or adding materials. He intervenes throughout the production chain (definition - industrialization - production, assembly and control) of the mechanical elements constituting the industrial sub-assemblies.


Why did you choose this career path? Why did you prefer to go through an apprenticeship? 

I have always been interested by the Industry world, the mechanics and most of all the product conception. I discovered conception at High School and I immediately liked it. While visiting students job fairs, I discovered this higher education which combines conception and machining trainings. Apprenticeship is for me a good way to move from education to working life. You face reality and can directly apply your theoretical knowledge by working on concrete tasks.


How did you find out about Rotarex?

Thanks to my dad who works for almost 21 years at Rotarex as an Operations Manager. He helped me start as an intern. After this internship I worked for 3 years as a student during summer to discover the work environment.


What do you like the most in your apprenticeship? Did you face some difficulties?

What I like the most is working and putting words on my studies, but also learning from experienced professionals. At the beginning, my biggest challenge was to take initiatives but I gain more confidence over time.


How did your integration go? Do you feel well surrounded/supervised/helped by your team?

I have to say very well! My colleagues immediately showed me a lot. They are always available to answer any of my questions, they help me and teach me how to be autonomous. 


How do you imagine your evolution?

If possible, I would like to continue working in apprenticeship at Rotarex to validate my professional bachelor specialized in product conception.

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