Space efficient 12 liter cylinder protects large vehicle engines

Nov 25, 2015
The FireDETEC fire protection system is proven effective in quickly detecting and suppressing fires in commercial vehicles.
Space efficient 12 liter cylinder protects large vehicle engines

Previously, to protect large vehicle engines, 2 cylinders were needed to provide coverage. Now, with the development of a new 12-liter cylinder, FireDETEC makes it easy for manufacturers and vehicle operators to protect engines of all sizes. For small and mid-sized engines, the FireDETEC 7 liter cylinder delivers optimal coverage, while the 12 liter cylinder is designed for large engines.

There are clear benefits of the 12-liter cylinder:

  • More space efficient
  • Easier to install
  • More economical

Although there is more suppression agent to discharge, the innovative 12-liter FireDETEC vehicle engine system works extremely fast – suppressing a fire before it causes serious damage. Flexible sensor tubing that conforms to any engine configuration is connected directly to the new cylinder. If a fire occurs, it is detected quickly and an alarm alerts the driver.

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