Aug 06, 2021

Rotarex Academy: Training program for CNC machine setters and technicians

Finding and hiring qualified CNC machine setters and technicians is a real challenge for any manufacturing organization like Rotarex. CNC machines are intended to manufacture a wide variety of high-quality products and differ from one industry to another. The machines must be calibrated and operated with precision and it requires a lot of people to keep those machines operating smoothly. To be efficient and confident in their new tasks, CNC employees need therefore professional trainings to refresh and enhance their knowledge.

In this sense, Rotarex has developed its own training program called the Rotarex Academy. Rotarex provides new hires with on-the-job training in CNC programming and machining, regardless of their level of experience. Over the course of two years, the new setters are guided by designated tutors and follow a training plan on various machines across the production area. Their skills and knowledge are evaluated after each semester with specific tests. 

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Among others, our new CNC employees will gain knowledge and hands-on skills on:

- 4.0 Industry;

- Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM);

- FANUC CNC machines;

- HEIDEHAIN CNC machines;

- SIEMENS CNC machines;

- ISO 9001 (quality control of products), ISO 14001 (environmental management system), OHSAS 18001 (health and safety best practices) trainings.


Want to join the next class? Visit our career page now!

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